Switch Adobe Sign In Methods


This article covers how to sign out of Adobe fully and then walks you through the process for signing into Adobe using the correct method for our Adobe license type.


This article covers how to sign out of Adobe fully and then walks you through the process for signing into Adobe using the correct method for our Adobe license type.


  • Adobe Create Cloud must be installed on your computer.

This Article Covers:

Step 1 - Sign Out

Sign out of Adobe Software

  1. Open any adobe software (Acrobat, Photoshop, InDesign, Etc)

  2. In the top right corner click on the circle (either blue or orange or your photo)

  3. Click on Sign out

  4. You will be prompted to confirm you want to sign out and it should sign you out of all products if you use more than just one.

  5. Once successfully signed out, close any open Adobe software

Sign out of Adobe.com

  1. Now go to http://adobe.com in any Internet browser.
    • If it asks you to log in, just close the browser and proceed to the Sign-in section to continue.
  2. In the top right corner click on the circle again.
  3. Click on Sign Out
  4. Once successfully signed out, close the browser screen

Step 2 - Sign In

  1. Open any Adobe product (Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, etc)

  2. When prompted to sign in, enter your full JCU email address in the username field.

    • Click Continue

  3. Click COMPANY OR SCHOOL and it will redirect you to the JCU SSO login screen.

    • If you received your Adobe license prior to Summer 2023 click PERSONAL ACCOUNT

  4. To complete the setup process you will need to do one of the following on the next screen:

    • Create a password

    • Click Continue with Google*

    • Enter old password (reset if you don’t know)*
      *This option will be available to use if you had an Adobe license prior to JCU purchasing the site license last year.

  5. Once you step through that process the internet browser screen will tell you are all set

  6. Close that window

  7. Check your Adobe Software - It should now have you logged in and you should be able to function as normal

If you continue to have issues go through the logout process one more time but restart your computer before signing in. 

Video Tutorial




Article ID: 11839
Fri 1/20/23 8:31 AM
Thu 4/4/24 10:58 AM

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