Connect to a Printer - JCU owned Mac Computer


How to map a network printer from a JCU owned MacOS computer.


Below are the instructions for connecting to a printer from a MacOS computer owned by JCU. Please see the other Printing knowledge base articles for Windows or personal computers.


  • Before beginning, please ensure that you are connected to eduroam if you are on a wireless connection! If you are printing remotely, off campus, connect to the VPN.

  • Using a MacOS based computer that is owned and managed by John Carroll.

Steps to Map a Printer

  1. Open the "JCU Self Service" application either from Launchpad or the Applications folder.
  2. Sign in with your JCU username and password when prompted.
  3. Look for the "Install JCU Printers" application in the list of available software. Click install.
  4. The installer will run for a few minutes. When it finishes you will see all the available printers listed in the Printer preference window under System Preferences.

    • It is recommended that you remove any printers that the you do not need. It's possible to delete a range of printers at once by using the Shift + Click functionality.

  5. The first time you try printing using a given printer - you will be prompted to put in your University credentials.  Check the box “remember this password in my keychain” if you wish to have your credentials saved for future use. 



Article ID: 8315
Wed 8/10/22 5:03 PM
Thu 3/21/24 10:36 AM

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