This Article Covers:
What to do when you see the "Hold for Authentication" Error when printing
As always, if you are uncomfortable with this process, or it did not resolve your problem, please feel free to stop into the Service Desk

Mobility print will give the error above when trying to print if:
- You've changed your Single Sign On (SSO) Password recently
- You've entered your SSO password incorrectly
- Changes to the printer itself that have occurred (Replacement, physical relocation, etc.)
Step 1: Keychain Access
Navigate This can be found in Finder>Applications>Keychain Or alternative by pressing the CMD+Shift keys and typing "Keychain Access" and clicking on the correct result. The Icon looks like this:

Step 2: Remove the Old Entry for Mobility Print
Option 1: Find & Delete Individual Keychain Entry
- Use the search bar in the top right corner of the window to find specific printer
- Ex: if the first printer you used with Mobility Print was "PUBLICcdmcolor", the Keychain entry will be the same
- Right click and delete this entry
- Retry printing
- You should then be prompted to put in new credentials
- If you put in the correct credentials, your print job should now print

Option 2: Delete ALL Keychain Data
This option is the fastest and easiest way to resolve this issue but following this method will DELETE ALL SAVED PASSWORDS entries for other websites and applications that you may have stored and are NOT RECOVERABLE.
- Click the "Keychain" menu next to the Apple symbol at the top left of the screen
- Click Settings
- Click the button that says "Reset Default Keychain"

- Retry printing
- You should then be prompted to put in new credentials
- If you put in the correct credentials, your print job should now print