jcu_guest is the wireless network available for visitors.
Please make sure you've reviewed the instructions for connecting to the wireless.

See the Device Registration section for connecting smart TVs or game consoles to the network.
Which network are you having an issue with?
The network the request / issue is happening on.
Which network are you having an issue with?
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
Additional details about the issue. Helpful information includes:
- Frequency of the issue
- Can you not connect at all? Or are you connected but without internet access
- Other locations where you experience or don't experience the issue
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
Make and model of your device.
A MAC address is a unique identifier for a network capable device. It is 12 characters long, numerals and letters A-F.
Please see the MAC address KB article if you need assistance finding your device's MAC address.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code