Connecting to the jcu_iot Network

The "jcu_iot" network was designed to accommodate devices that cannot connect to the "eduroam" network (IE Amazon Alexa Devices, Gaming Consoles, etc). When connected to jcu_iot, you cannot use campus resources such as printers. In order to connect, you need your Private Pre-Shared Key(PPSK), this is your personal password for jcu_iot. It is not to be shared with others.


  • Current JCU community member (Student, Staff or Faculty)
  • A computer or device that can access
  • If your device was connected to JCU Networks prior to Fall 2023, please forget all JCU networks on your device.

This Article Covers:

  • Generating your PPSK
  • Connecting to the "jcu_iot" wifi network

Generating Your PPSK

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your SSO Credentials, and complete the DUO login step
  3. Navigate to the right side of the top banner, and click on your profile picture
  4. Click "JCU-IOT Wireless Network PPSK" in the menu that appears
  5. A new window will appear with your PPSK in Blue text in the center of the menu - keep this key for later use. 

Connecting to the "jcu_iot" wireless network

  1. Choose "jcu_iot" from the list of available wifi networks on your device
  2. Input the PPSK that was generated earlier in the process
  3. Your device should now be connected to the wifi network, and have access to the Internet

Additional Information

  • You are only able to connect 8 devices using this method. 
  • PPSKs are case sensitive.
  • PPSKs will be valid while you are an active member of the JCU community. For students, this means until you graduate.
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Article ID: 15148
Wed 8/9/23 1:19 PM
Thu 8/22/24 10:34 AM

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Devices that cannot connect to eduroam should be connected to jcu_iot.