JCU Digital Portal

Digital Portal is a website that allows you to log into a virtual desktop. These virtual desktops are similar to the lab and lectern computers on campus, and provide access to a variety of software including SPSS and ArcGIS.


  • Connected to eduroam or GlobalProtect VPN
  • Current JCU student or employee

This Article Covers:

Accessing Digital Portal

  1. Go to jcudigitalportal.jcu.edu
  2. You’ll be asked if you want to download the VMWare Horizon Client or use the HTML client in your web browser. The HTML Access is recommended for most cases.
  3. On the next screen enter your campus username and password. 
  4. You will next be asked to authenticate with Duo. Your preferences for Duo Authentication will be presented in a list, simply type in the number that corresponds to the option you want to use to complete the authentication on your secondary device. The options are:
    1. Duo Push
    2. Phone call
    3. SMS Passcode
  5. Once logged in you will see a list of virtual desktops and apps that you have access to. Which items you see will depend on whether you are a faculty member or student and what classes you are enrolled in. 

Using Digital Portal

  • Virtual Desktops: Once logged in, click on the virtual desktop you want to access. The Windows loading screen will briefly appear and then you’ll be logged into the virtual desktop. You can now launch classroom/lab software as well as access your H: and O: drives.  (List of available software)
  • Virtual Applications: If you only need to use a specific application you can launch just that app by clicking on it from the list of applications. It will launch in your browser and work exactly like it normally would. The application will have access to your H: and O: drives for opening and saving files.

Appendix: Installing the VMware Horizon Client

Video Tutorial

In some situations you may want to use the VMware Horizon desktop application instead of the web-based HTML Access one. For example, if you frequently need to access files on your local computer the Horizon client makes this easier.

To install the client:

  1. Go to jcudigitalportal.jcu.edu
  2. You’ll be asked if you want to download the VMWare Horizon Client or use the HTML client in your web browser. Click on “Install the VMware Horizon Client.”
  3. You’ll be taken to a download page for the client. Click on the “Go to Downloads” link for the listing that matches your operating system.
  4. Click the Download button on the web page it takes you to.
  5. Once the installer finishes downloading, click to launch it.
  6. When the installer launches click the “Agree and Install” button to install it. When it finishes you will be prompted to restart your computer.
  7. VMware Horizon is now installed. You can start it by clicking on the icon on your desktop or from your start menu. You’ll then be prompted for a “Server Address”: put in jcudigitalportal.jcu.edu and continue.
  8. Now when you launch VMware you will see Digital Portal listed. Click on it to connect to the server, and enter your JCU username and password when prompted. After that you can access your virtual desktops and apps.
  9. To customize your settings, click on the gear in the top right of the window. The “Sharing” tab is where you can connect specific folders from your computer to the virtual desktop.
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Article ID: 16073
Fri 9/15/23 2:37 PM
Thu 8/22/24 10:48 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Virtual desktops are utilized in several computer labs around campus, as well as through jcudigitalportal.jcu.edu